I love this quote so much that I stenciled the lovely words onto a blank canvas and hung it above my bed. Think about it for a moment....makes a lot of sense wouldn't you agree?
It's been a VERY busy summer pour moi, so enjoy these black & whites before I start writing again :)
"The woman who follows the crowd will usually get no further than the crowd. The woman who walks alone is likely to find herself in places no one has ever been." - Albert Einstein
So I started a blog...I find myself coming across so many beautiful things in my daily life and through my travels. As an avid storyteller it's almost a shame not to share these little treasures with everyone else. I have a travel bug that I cannot quite shake, a fascination with everything Parisian and an overwhelming collection of shoes. I am a modern woman with a free-spirited Gypsy soul, and this blog will follow all things unique through the eyes of Me.